The 社会学 courses at PCC explore society, social institutions, and social relationships. Learn, analyze and deepen your understanding of contemporary social 问题, modern family living, ethnic and urban studies, and crime and delinquency. 获得AA-T证书, complete your lower division requirements and be ready to transfer and earn your Bachelor of Arts 学位 in 社会学.

Our lives are not only shaped by personal psychology, but also by our place in the 社会世界. 社会学 is the scientific study of society, social institutions and social relationships.

社会学 is the scientific study of society, social institutions and social relationships. 社会学 examines how social structures, such as the workplace, political, economic, educational, and religious institutions affect individuals and how individuals influence these structures. In 社会学 courses, you will explore how people’s socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexualities, and marital status affect their attitudes, behavior, and chances in life.

Sociologists organize their knowledge in theories which they both create and test through social research, which is aimed at understanding important social issues and 问题. Using this research as a basis, you will study the patterns of behavior that characterize human interaction and seek to discover the main forces that unite and separate social groups and to determine the conditions that transform social life.

Each semester we offer a variety of 社会学 courses that can be taken individually or as part of a planned program leading to a degree and/or transfer. 使用链接 below to see full course descriptions and our current offerings.

社会学| Associate in Arts for 转移 (AA-T) 学位 

Earn a degree AND prepare to transfer. By completing the AA-T in 社会学, you will finish the general education requirements as well as the lower division major requirements for a Bachelor degree in 社会学 prior to transferring to a CSU.

View 学位 Requirements

Satisfy 通用电气要求 with 社会学 Courses

Most of our 社会学 courses will satisfy CSU GEs, IGETC Requirements and GEs for several private and independent institutions. Visit the 转移 Center for resources to help you determine which 社会学 courses will satisfy the GEs for your degree and transfer plan.

回顾转移 & 通用电气要求

With a 社会学 degree, you will be well prepared to embark on a career, with a deep understanding of the social word and the ability to critically think about and solve social 问题.

Typical career fields of sociology majors include social services, community work, law, education, health services and business.