社区 Referral Listing - 心理健康 服务


330 E. 活橡树大道.
(626) 821-5858

公共,.A. County Department of 心理健康 office offers:

  • 强化病例管理
    Continuing care for severely and persistently mentally ill.

星期一至五上午八时至下午五时开放. 下班后的电话会自动转接 紧急外联局(800)854-7771.


9353 E. 硅谷大街..
(626) 287-2988

Private, nonprofit agency affiliated with 太平洋诊所: mediation evaluation; outpatient care; low to moderate fees of Medi-Cal; specializing in 服务 to Asian-speaking adults and children; no emergency 服务. 员工:双语,双文化心理 卫生专业人员.



CPAF is a confidential hotline, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 他们的服务 survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. CPAF对危机线做出反应 calls in over 30 Asian Pacific Islander languages and dialects. 热线咨询师 will provide immediate crisis intervention and emotional support, referral and community resources - which include safety planning, counseling, and assistance to receive needed medical, legal and other 服务 to both men and women experience sexual or domestic 滥用.


550 S. 佛蒙特大街.12楼
洛杉矶,CA 90020
(213) 738-4924

The mission of the ACCESS center is to provide consumers compassionate, timely and 可靠的精神卫生服务. They are in collaboration with the department of mental health to help load callers with important information. 访问的视野 center is to be the premier gateway to mental health 服务 and information in Los 洛杉矶县. The hotline does over the phone screening, assessment, referrals and 危机咨询和其他服务.


118 S. 橡树丘大街.
(626) 795-6907

Private, nonprofit, United Way-funded center for counseling of individual, marital, or family problems: no medication or emergency 服务; moderate fees and insurance 接受. 工作人员: licensed clinical social workers and graduate interns in social work 还有婚姻和家庭治疗.


180 N. 奥克兰大街.
(626) 584-5555

Private, nonprofit counseling center: individual and marital counseling; moderate fees and insurance 接受  工作人员: graduate interns supervised by faculty. 精神病学 (medication) service available on private (fee) consultation basis.

避风港之家-避难所 & 家庭暴力辅导)

(323) 681-2626

The Haven house 服务 high risk cases in the San Gabriel Valley. 他们的主要 purpose is to provide safe shelter, food, counseling and support for battered women 还有他们的孩子. They also provide follow-up support, and education about domestic violence so that when they leave Haven House, they have the tools and knowledge to 过着没有暴力的生活. Maximum stay is 30 days, 服务 are totally free 电荷. *If there is no availability or if they are full they will do an intake over the phone and continue with a referral process. 


2900 E. 德尔玛大道.
(800) 792-2345 or (626) 795-2345

Private, for-profit hospital offering free, 24 hour emergency psychiatric evaluation: outpatient psychotherapy and hospitalization 服务 available for those with private insurance; no Medi-Cal 接受; evaluation done at work site, emergency room of local hospitals, but not at private homes (recommend that person go directly to Las Encinas 医院提供最快的服务). 工作人员: licensed social workers and psychiatric nurses.


909 S. 费尔奥克斯大街.
(626) 254-5000

Private, non-profit psychiatric service: medication evaluation and outpatient mental health care; low to moderate fees or Medi-Cal; 服务 to adults, children, and geriatric patients; for residents of Pasadena, Altadena, So. Pasadena, and San Marino; no emergency 服务. 工作人员: psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and graduate interns 在心理学中. Monrovia office (太平洋诊所 - East) serves central and east San 加布里埃尔谷社区. 咨询电话:(626)303-1541.

帕萨迪纳酗酒委员会 & 药物依赖性

(626) 795-9127

Information and referral for all alcohol and other drug related problems. 最新的 listing of 12-step (recovery) group meetings, inpatient programs, outpatient counseling 服务, and prevention activities in the San Gabriel Valley area.


1495 N. 湖大街.
(626) 798-0907

Private, nonprofit, very low cost counseling for personal or family problems; information and referral; no medication or hospitalization 服务; bi-lingual/bi-cultural Latino 咨询项目. 工作人员: post-masters and pre-doctoral interns under the supervision of staff licensed mental 卫生专业人员.

Peace Over Violence Rape and Battering Hotline

892 N. 费尔奥克斯大街 D套房

This emergency hotline offers emotional support, information, referral and advocacy 服务, to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking. 这个秘密, non-judgmental hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


卡尔弗城,CA 90230
(877) 727-4747(危机热线:免费)

The Didi Hirsch 心理健康 服务 provide a continuum of prevention, early intervention and treatment 服务 for individuals, families and the community. 他们的自杀 prevention center has a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week crisis line, the suicide prevention hotline is a free and confidential telephone service. 辅导员可向 talk about your thoughts of suicide or concerns about someone who may be suicidal.


867 E. Atchison圣
(626) 798-0915

威斯敏斯特中心 is a private, non-profit mental health center serving Pasadena, 阿尔塔迪纳和周边地区. For more than 40 years, 威斯敏斯特中心 has provided the community with quality counseling 服务 at affordable fees.