Pasadena Area 社区 College District (District) has established guidelines for resolving all types of discrimination, harassment, retaliation and sexual violence 投诉. There are several early resolution options, depending on 的 circumstances, including educational programs for targeted campus units or for particular individuals. Where early resolution is unsuccessful or inappropriate, a formal complaint may be filed and a formal investigation undertaken. There is no prescribed sequence, so choosing one option first does not prevent a complainant from choosing a different option for 稍后再解决.

Because 投诉 of discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence are most effectively addressed at 的 earliest possible stage, Pasadena Area 社区 College District encourages early reporting of concerns or 投诉 regarding harassment.  请 note that timely reporting and utilization of District complaint resolution procedures 强烈鼓励.  In some cases, delays in reporting may impact resolution options avaialble through 的 District.

如果你 believe you have experienced discrimination or harassment, you are encouraged to reach out to Robert Blizinski, Vice President, 人力资源 at (626) 585-7282 or Megan Staudenraus, 第九条 Investigator Manager at (626) 585-7375.  你们可以讨论 your options and learn about District policies and procedures without being required to file a formal complaint.

Complaints may be filed with 的 following resources: 

Sex-based Harassment or Discrimination

  • Employees are encouraged to file a report with 的 District regarding incidents of discrimination on 的 basis of sex (包括 pregnancy-related discrimination), gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation – as well as incidents of 性的骚扰 (包括 sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or 跟踪). To file a report, contact Megan Staudenraus,第九条 Investigator Manager at (626) 585-7375 or submit a report using 的 网上报告表格
  • A 犯罪报告 有关 sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or 跟踪 也可以归档 警察 and 大学安全 at (626) 585-7484 位于B-210 or with local law enforcement by calling 911.

Unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation

  • Employees are encouraged to file a report with 的 District regarding discrimination on 的 basis of age, color, (dis)ability, ethic group identification, gender expression, national origin, religion, or any o的r protected characteristic. 通过以下方式提交报告 的 网上报告表格


A number of governmental agencies also accept 投诉 of discrimination and harassment, 包括 California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (related to employment); 的 US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (related to employment); and 的 民权办公室US Department of Education (related to student 投诉).

Unions (Exclusive Representatives)

 如果你 are a District employee who is in a classification that is represented by 的 教师 Association or California School Employees Association, Chapter 777 or California Federation of Teachers, Chapter 6525, you may find 的 appropriate collective bargaining agreement and contact information in 的 工会合同 on 的 人力资源 website.  

Work Related Injuries, Accidents, Illnesses 

如果你 are a District employee who has been injured, had an accident, or you believe you have been exposed or are currently exposed to unsafe or unhealthful conditions while at work, 请联系 Risk Management at (626) 585-7507.

Campus 警察 and Public 安全

如果你 believe you have been subject to criminal activity, witnessed a crime, or have been involve in a dispute regarding 的 use of parking or o的r District facilities, 请联系 警察 and 大学安全 at (626) 585-7484 位于B-210. You also have 的 option of leaving an anonymous message. 如果你 believe you are in immediate danger, please call 911.